WWE Cruiserweight Classic Episode 2


WWE Cruiserweight Classic Episode 2


After the terribly disappointing and dull draft, I can only hope the CWC can give me the same kind of enjoyment as it did last week, because I need it.


Tajiri Vs Damien Slater

TAJIRI :mark:.

KICKS :mark:.



Ok, I’ll talk about the match for real. Tajiri looked fantastic. He’s the veteran here and is out to show Slater that he’s still as good as ever, and he does such a wonderful job of countering Slater who is supposed to be a “technical” wrestler at every turn. Tajiri works over the arm and produces a couple of real slick counters from it any time Slater tries to gain control.

Slater tries to KICK Tajiri to get him away from the arm… which is never a good idea because Tajiri will kick the FUCK out of you and you will get hurt.

While Slater might not be a master of kicking like Tajiri, but he does use some nice kicks of his own, especially to the leg of Tajiri in hopes of preventing getting kicked some more.

Sadly, Tajiri’s leg is not damaged nearly enough and the BUZZSAW KICK to the head puts Slater away and TAJIRI ADVANCES :mark:.

Very fun match, and Slater looked great too. Tajiri is still the man.

Rating: ***1/4


Tajiri will face Grand Metalik in the next round. I hope Tajiri kicks his face off :).


T.J. Perkins Vs Da Mack

Was about to say “what kind of name is Da Mack?” and then I noticed he was German.


Alex Wright name dropped :lmao.

Lots of counters and flipping around to counter things, and TJP applies a bunch of different submissions.

Da Mack is apparently too cool to sell a fucking KICK TO THE HEAD. Try doing that shit with Tajiri…

Perkins wins with a submission. Was mainly a Perkins showcase here. Da Mack didn’t do much for me. Though tbf to him, I’m not entirely sure if he wasn’t selling a lot of stuff because he’s shit, or if a lot of TJP’s stuff requires not being sold so he can pull together a sequence of moves… either way I wasn’t overly impressed with either man.

Rating: **


Mustafa Ali Vs Lince Dorado

Mustafa Ali? Someone clearly likes Disney and boxing…

Dorado’s mask looks stupid as hell with those teeth.

So is Ali’s main form of offence a forward roll? Cos like, he does a billion of them here.

Damn, Ali just went head first into the mat. He might have gotten hurt there, but seemingly he’s ok to continue so that’s good.

SPRINGBOARD C4? Yeah ok, that was awesome.

Kick out? Fuck you.

Match ends with a Shooting Star Press from Dorado. I mean yeah it was probably the best looking SSP I’ve seen but that won the match over a Springboard C4? GTFO.

Didn’t care for much here.

Rating: *


Akira Tozawa Vs Kenneth Johnson

Heard the name Tozawa before. That’s about it. Kenneth Johnson has the name and look of a generic CAW.

Johnson was trained by MR HUGHES :lmao.

Meanwhile, Tozawa trained with FUNAKI.

First good part of this match takes about 5 minutes to get to, and happens during a back and forth chop battle. Tozawa looks to be losing the battle, so he fakes a chop and then decks Johnson in the side of the head :lmao.


Big rolling elbow to the face and… Johnson ignores it completely to hit a dropkick. No selling big strikes is a big theme this week apparently… except in the first match.


Couple of big German suplexes and Tozawa wins.

More here for me to like than the previous match… but only just. Far too much no selling shit so they can come back and hit a move of their own. Fuck off with that shit please.

Rating: *1/2


Sadly, not nearly as fun as last week. Last week had 2 standout matches and 1 fun match. This week has 1 standout match and 3 “meh” matches.

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