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Survivor Series 2008 PPV Ramblings
Survivor Series 2008
It’s all about SURVIVAL. Will I make it through this PPV without wanting to shoot myself in the face?!?!
At least AC/DC are doing the theme . That should get me through SOME of
Armageddon 2008 PPV Ramblings
Armageddon 2008
Hell is upon us. Or rather me. Cos this is probably gonna suck. Don’t remember a single match on the card.
Matt Hardy Vs Vladimir Kozlov
Seriously? Of all the fucking people who could face Hardy on PPV…
BCW Interactive General Manager: Episode 001 – Getting Started
Here is a list of the roster to choose from. Remember, wrestlers in this colour qualify as Cruiserweights which is a Smackdown exclusive title, and wrestlers in this colour qualify for the women’s championship division, a title exclusive to Raw.… Continue Reading
WWE 2K14 Phenom Edition Unboxing!
Just to get things going again on the site, I’ll be posting any game related videos from Wrestling View over here as well, a sort of self cross promotion video linking thingymabob! Since this site is going to be non … Continue Reading